
NURSERY: Fireworks

 Nursery have been sharing some of their experiences of seeing fireworks on bonfire night.

We then had lots of fun creating our own firework paintings. We sprayed paint onto a 'night sky' to make the beautiful bursts of colour that we love to see when watching fireworks.


Every child in the school has been busy making their own poppy to make a collaborative display for Remembrance Day. 

Nursery used paint and collage to create their poppies.

Reception used paper and art straws to create their poppies.

Years 1- 6 used modelling wire and tissue paper to create their poppies.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

Even the parents have been busy painting a poppy for Remembrance Day...thank you!

Coronation Portraits 2023