


In Art Club we have been inspired by our beautiful trees that surround us here at Quinton Primary School. We have looked at paintings of trees by the artists: Van Gogh, Klimt and Hockney.

We have used charcoal to sketch the trees on the back field at school and wax crayons to take bark rubbings.

The children created colourful tree pictures by mixing their own colours with poster paint.

Tree Sculptures

Art club have been working on a collaborative piece of artwork for the school. They have painted different patterns to be on the tree trunks,  wrapped tissue paper around the branches, made birds and insects out of pipe cleaners and created flowers out of egg boxes and tissue paper. We will show you a picture of the finished sculptures when they have been put together....watch this space!

Year 2: AFRICA


Year 2 have been learning about Africa and some of the animals that live there. We connected with the Tanzanian artist Daudi Tingatinga, observed the patterns of different animal skins, explored printing techniques and created a printed piece of artwork and a painting in the style of Tingatinga. 


The children started by looking at several paintings by Daudi Tingatinga. He created large colourful paintings of animals from Tanzania, in a similar style to his father Edward Saidi Tingtinga.


The children did observational drawings of a variety of animal skins using different grades of pencil. They looked carefully at the lines, texture and marks that were on each animal.


The children learnt how to make a printing plate using a polystyrene printing sheet and a ballpoint pen. They experimented with using the printing ink and applying different amounts. 


In order to create their final printed piece of artwork, they designed and made three different printing plates each, 

They also created a painting of an African animal of their choice on fabric, in the style of Tingatinga.


Year 4 have been learning all about famous landmarks in Britain. In our art lessons we have studied the landscape artwork of Peter Lanyon and created abstract paintings based on our local landmarks in Lower Quinton.


Peter Lanyon was a British artist who created abstracted paintings based on the views he saw from a hang-glider over the Cornish countryside. The children have studied his artwork, looking at the paint techniques and colours that he used.


Using charcoal to sketch with, the children observed the lines and shapes from satellite images of local landmarks in Lower Quinton. 


The children experimented with mixing different shades, tones and tints of green.


The children designed which shapes, lines and colours they would use in their final artwork.


They sketched their chosen design out and carefully mixed different paint colours to create their abstract artwork.

Coronation Portraits 2023