
RECEPTION: The Hungry Caterpillar


Reception have been experimenting with different textures and exploring how to add materials to their paint to create different effects. 
We mixed PVA glue into our paint to allow the different textured materials to stick well to the surface of our caterpillar.
We experimented with sand, sawdust, straw, beans and pieces of wood.

Each of us made part of the caterpillar...

...and part of the beautiful butterfly...

...and all of the food that the hungry caterpillar ate!


KS2 ART CLUB: Our Local Area



In KS2 Art Club we have created works of art all about our local area.

We started our project by walking through the village and sketching different buildings and features of our choice.

We then used our observational sketches and photographs of the area to create an individual piece of artwork.
Ink drawings

3D models

Mixed media

Parents came along to see our brilliant project work!

YEAR 1: Animals - Printing



We explored the artwork by the contemporary artist 'David White' who uses bright colours and expressive brushstrokes to paint endangered animals.



Observing & Exploring

We carefully observed the shapes of the exciting animals that visited Year 1 with 'Angie', creating observational sketches of them.

We also explored a range of printing techniques and different brushstrokes.

We experimented with 'mono-printing'. This is where you roll block printing ink onto the table and you place the paper gently on top of the ink. You then use a pencil or your finger to draw the shape and make marks.


We used mono-printing to create the outline of the animals in our artwork.

We then added colour to our artwork using watercolour paints and chalk pastels.





YEAR 2: Wonder Women



Connecting & Exploring

We started by connecting with the 'Op' Artist 'Bridget Riley'. We explored some of her famous black and white paintings that create optical illusions.

Designing & Creating

We designed and created our own 'Op Art' by trying to hide different shapes within our black and white paintings.



We discussed and explored the sculptures created by Barbara Hepworth.


We created our own sculpture designs thinking about the structure and the shapes we were choosing.


Using clay, we carefully made our own sculptures making sure they could stand up and adding different marks and textures with clay tools.